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While the C-53's mission is fly and tell her story around the country, our historic hangar at Franklin - Venango Regional Airport is the next area of focus for the Vintage Wings Inc group members.


Our goal is to transform this 1940's era hangar into a living history experience itself. We want to provide our guest the opportunity to not only visit "Beach City Baby" while she is at home, but a chance to step back in time and experience life on an Air Transport Command base during WWII.


Our hangar will also be a place to honor all of our local WWII veterans and make sure they will never be forgotten with our wall of honor that we will be constructing. This wall will showcase plaques with all of our area's WWII veterans and bring awareness to how all and every service member during this conflict was essential to helping win WWII.


Consider making a donation today to help us bring to fruition this one of a kind experience. All of our WWII veterans have a story worth telling and preserving. It's up to us now to do our part not to forget them and their sacrifices.


Donate Today.

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